Travel to Venice via Amsterdam

Our departure for this year’s trip began very smoothly. Steve and I both finished our packing well ahead of time which allowed us to go out for dinner with friends on Saturday night (10/14). We both slept well that night and got up around 7:00 on Sunday ready to finish our last minute chores and items from our travel readiness checklists.

Hal and Mike picked us up at 10:00 and we were off to Sea-Tac. We said our goodbyes and encouraged them to check our blog regularly for updates on our trip…

Here I must stop and interject: as I’m writing this entry for upload it is Fiday 10/20/06. We are on our first day “at sea” after spending the day in the spectacularly beautiful city of Dubrovnik, Croatia yesterday. I tried to upload a quick note yesterday to the blog using the ship’s wireless internet access but after waiting 15 minutes for the Blogspot logon page to open – at 50 cents a minute – I finally gave up. We purchased a 500 minute package which I am now seriously reconsidering. I’m writing this entry offline and hope to upload it in a reasonable amount of time before we go up to lunch today. – AFK

We saw Tim and Rick in the check-in line as we walked into the airport so they waited for us to get through check-in and we all went to grab a bite to eat. Steve and I were both very excited to begin our grand adventure but I think Tim and Rick were both more than a little overwhelmed by it all. This was after all their first trip out of the country together and there was a lot to do before we left (hence the travel packing checklists we now use regularly).

The rest of our morning was uneventful and we made our way onto the plane at about 12:30 PM. There was some drama as one of the passengers was very late and the crew almost had to offload their luggage – almost. We pulled back from the gate at about 1:05 PM and were on our way!

The flight to Amsterdam was OK but none of us managed to get much sleep. We all took Ambien but it didn’t help much, and Steve and I both had rather strange “hangovers” from it when we woke up about 2 to 3 hours later. We both watched “The Devil Wears Prada” before going to sleep. What a treat to see it again!

Since we had seats A and B in row 12 we switched with Tim and Rick about an hour before landing so they’d be able to see Amsterdam from the air. We landed right on time at 7:40 AM local time and proceeded to pick up our luggage then on to passport control (no missed bags this time – hooray!).


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