Day 2: Amsterdam to Venice

We wandered around the Amsterdam airport for awhile before settling on a lovely little cafeteria style place for breakfast where we all had espresso and nibbles of one sort or another. I had a yummy ham and cheese croissant and some orange juice with my caffe ristretto (delicious!).

We didn’t have a whole lot of time before our connecting flight to Venice on KLM so after breakfast we headed for the gate. Steve and I both love Schipol Airport. It’s the nicest airport I’ve ever seen, filled with lots of light and big open spaces. If I never see Heathrow Airport again it will be too soon :P…

When we boarded our plane to Venice Steve started to feel queasy and by the time we took off he was full blown nauseous. He had to make several trips to the head on the flight and did not really recover until well after we were on the ship – in Dubrovnik I think (he’s sleeping now behind me on the couch in our stateroom as I write this).

We almost had a repeat of the no-show passenger on this flight and so were delayed a bit before takeoff. The weather was clear skies but hazy as we lifted off and out over Amsterdam. I read for awhile before staring out the window and starting to take pictures about the time we were flying over the Alps. Fortunately it was still clear blue sky and the haze was gone by this point so I got some really great shots. Tim and Rick mostly slept on the plane so they missed seeing them :-(.

We came in to land at the beautiful Venice Airport and the weather was mostly clear skies and about 70 degrees. A perfect introduction for our “little charges” who had never been to Italy before this trip. We picked up our bags and headed out to the line for the private water taxis into Venice. It was a bit of a hike to the pickup point but nothing compared to our “Bataan death march” in Chicago a few years ago with Hal and Mike… Steve will never live that one down (we lugged our bags from the hotel to the subway station in the 95 degree heat for about 15 blocks. It was simply torture).

Our water taxi driver was this beast of a man named Mario – very Italian, but with a much larger frame than you’d imagine a Venetian to have. He was quite handsome and ahd the most amazingly tanned and furry arms… (pictures to come). Tim and Rick were just like very small children on the way into town. The view was spectacular if the ride was a bit bumpy. We wound our way through the main canal in Murano before heading into Venice proper. Mario dropped us of at the stop for St. Zaccharia and we toddled off amidst the crowds to our hotel a few short blocks away – the Hotel Campiello.


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