Day 15: Off the Ship and Into Barcelona

We had fortunately changed our departure time to 8:00. Originally we’d been scheduled off the boat at 7:15! We got up, showered, packed the remainder of our clothes and toiletries and headed up for breakfast. It seemed hard to believe that this was all coming to an end. I was glad our trip was almost over but part of me wanted to stay and do it all over again!

Getting off the boat was really very easy and we didn’t have any trouble getting a cab. We did have to wait a few minutes because there were four of us and we had a great pile of luggage. I think Rick took a picture of all our bags actually stuffed into that little minivan. I couldn’t believe it.

We drove in to the Axel Hotel in about fifteen minutes. After getting our bags into the lobby and out of the way (stuffed in a corner for the remainder of the morning till our rooms were ready) we headed out to see what the city held in store. For us it would be a stop at the Jamaica Coffee Shop ( ) – a place with the most beautifully designed demitasse spoons I’ve ever seen, then off to the On and Off Orange Tourist Bus! This was a great way to see the whole city (well, the highlights anyway) at one fell swoop and not be on our feet all day (hooray!) as this was wearing a bit thin. I do wonder how many miles I put on those Rockports in that 16 day period…

The city tour was great, and I got some great photos for the Hairy Arm Petting Zoo as well. After the tour, we got off the bus and had lunch at this brilliant little place named Be Original. It’s a cross between an Automat and…well I don’t know what. There are three “stations” where you go to order different types of food: salads and appetizers, pastas, and pizza. The food is semi-ready to eat, but seems quite fresh. The pizzas were made fresh to order. I had a ensalada caprese (with fresh mozzarella and tomatoes – no basil sadly) and a pizza with ham and gorgonzola and mozzarella – yummy!

More of this entry and the last two of this trip will follow – reasonably shortly :-) - AFK


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